Friday, May 30, 2014

We watched The Wizard of Oz; A good time was had by all.

In April, LG had a fever for five days straight. It sucked, but we watched A TON of movies. It's usually hard to get her to watch something she's never seen before, but in her weakened state, we didn't have too much trouble. (Except for Madagascar. She really didn't want to watch that for some reason.)

In the middle of our 120-hour binge watch of early 21st century animated fare, I managed to sneak in The Wizard of Oz. Not only did she enjoy it, but she didn't seem to be scared at all. Which is some feat, let me tell you, because Margaret Hamilton still gives me the willies.

That said, she had lots of commentary. Below is a sampling.

Why is this movie brown and white?
Dorothy is a little girl, why does she sing like a lady?
Toto should have a dog toy so he doesn't bite people.
(referring to the munchkins) Are they little adults?
(repeated throughout the film) Remember, Daddy, the lady on the bike turned into the witch.
The flying monkeys have wings! I thought they could just fly on their own. Like they would just spread their arms and fly.