A conversation with LG following a particularly vigorous tap dance.
LG: Does this look like tap dancing?
Me: Yeah, it looks pretty good. It looks like what I remember my pretend tap dancing looking like when I was your age.
LG: Did you take tap dancing lessons?
Me: I did not.
LG: Why not?
Me: I guess I figured that my pretend dancing looked pretty good. Why did I need the real thing?
LG: Can I take tap dancing lessons?
Me: We'll look into it.
LG: Good. Because if I don't take lessons, I'll never achieve my dream.
Me: Your dream?
LG: Of being a tap dancing rock star!
Me: Well, that's... umm...
LG: What?
Me: I was going to say "untapped market," but I didn't think you'd get the pun.
LG: I don't know what a pun is, but that's pretty funny.
A brief conversation with G2 upon waking him from his nap.
Me: Time to wake up!
G2: I had a good dream. And there was a squid, and it was (makes horrible snorting sound).
Me: Ummm.... that seems like an odd sound for a squid to make.
G2: It was snoring! And there was a bear, and it was (horrible snorting sound)! And there was a mouse, and it was (horrible snorting sound)! And there was a lion, and it was (horrible snorting sound)!
Me: So a squid and a bear and a mouse and a lion were all snoring, and this was a good dream?
G2: Yes. (long pause, then a harsh whisper) And the squid had a face.
Me: One of these days we're going to have to explain the difference between dreams and nightmares.