After what seems to my mind to be the longest year I've witnessed in 37 trips around the sun, I need take you on a whirlwind tour of G2's fourth go round. We did a lot this year. He did a lot this year. And we've reached the point when to look at G2 last year versus this year, you'd be hard pressed to see major changes. Although I realize I made the same argument 12 months ago, too. As with any person in the process of becoming (i.e., all of us) G2 spent this year becoming more himself. More personality, more opinions, more of everything that makes him him.
Pro-tip: Ask to see his shark dance. It is amazing. |
As happens with all of us, as you age, some things fall away. Last year, G2 was into My Little Pony enough that he wanted his party/cake to be MLP-themed. And while pastel ponies still cover his favorite baseball cap, he doesn't really talk about it much anymore. What's replaced it? Batman, LEGO,
Pokémon (so, so much Pokémon).
April: Speaking of sharks, he doesn't swim like one. |
I can't speak for anyone else, but it should come as no surprise that when you have a second kid, your memory gets a little fuzzy. I can barely remember that he took swim lessons this year, despite the fact that I was there for all of them (though not in the water much; he demanded Hollie take him in most of the time). In my defense, we got one of those giant inflatable pools this year, and most of my memories of him in the water are from that.
May: My cousin, my friend. |
As a little brother, your life follows some prescribed rules. Your older sibling directs the show most of the time (not that G2 is shy about making his feelings known). But the respite from this way of life comes from cousin time (we'll call him C2). G2-C2 antics are treasured times around here, if for no other reason than it means G2 calls the shots a little more often than he's used to.
June: More John Cusack in High Fidelity or Jack Black in High Fidelity? |
Sensitivity is a moving target. You want your kids to be sensitive to a point. Empathetic, yes; freaking out when things don't exactly line up with expectations, no. So in one of these ways, G2 is more sensitive than his sister. I'll let you decide which. Why do I bring up sensitivity now? In June, we visited Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. On the way down, we took in the Ocean City (MD) Air Show, and we had the foresight to bring ear protection for the kids. Jet engines are not known for their silence. But later, when we were comfortably ensconced in our cabin, there was a thunderstorm. To my memory, it was not a terrible storm, but there was a fair amount of thunder and lightning. Sensitive little man that he is, G2 demanded his earmuffs until the storm receded. And for some time after that, just in case.
July: "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction." |
Be it LEGO or Play-Doh, a truer statement has never been made. Our continued efforts to emphasize building, crafting, making, and creating have found fertile soil in our kids. I wish there was something funny to say here, but really, he just likes to make stuff.
August: "Remember to rebel against authority, kids!" |
I can't look at this picture and not think of this.
last year's post and this one, I feel like I need a motorcycle picture every year from now on.
September: There's a Twilight Zone episode in this picture, I'm sure of it. |
If we measured each year in trips to the Philadelphia Zoo, last year was maybe our most successful. There's something comforting about spending a couple of hours visiting the animals, knowing that even if we don't see everything, it's no big deal, because we can just go back another day. If I can give you no other advice than this: get yourself a membership to a local zoo or museum. It's a great way to be part of your local cultural institutions while at the same time giving you something to do on an otherwise lazy September weekend.
October: This year's costume: all of the costumes. |
Honestly, the details on this one are hazy. We went to a Halloween party at a friend's house, and they decided they wanted to wear as much dress-up clothing as possible. At this point, I think he may have already shed several superhero accessories. It's all a bit of a blur.
October, part 2: Because what could go wrong? |
Again, making/creating. It's a big part of our kids' lives. That said, "Hey, let's let the the 3 year old drills holes into a pumpkin while I hold it" may not have been my smartest idea.
November: The first time in G2's life it's been cold enough to wear a winter jacket while Christmas tree hunting. |
Seriously. I think we could've gone searching for a tree in shorts in 2014 and 2015. But we had a cold snap in 2016, so it actually felt like we were doing a Christmasy thing.
December: Two hours of snow tubing, i.e., G2 literally stayed in that tube for two hours. |
He might flinch at thunder, but this kid is as much a daredevil as his sister when it comes to rides/experiences. He just doesn't like to exert himself any more than necessary, hence me dragging him up a hill, attaching him to a lift, dragging him up another hill, pushing him down a tube track, and then starting the whole process over again.
January: Give him a head with hair; short, close-cropped hair. |
Believe it or not, G2 actually got a little shaggy this past winter. Of course, then we planned a trip to Florida, and I had to cut it all off so he wouldn't sweat all over the place. The best part is that I found a picture of Ryan Reynolds and told the Kids Kuts stylist to make his hair look like that. Because my son is the spitting image of Ryan Reynolds.
February: I take pictures of my kids when they sleep. It's not creepy at all. |
One more piece of tiny G2 fell away last month as we took away the toddler bed and moved him to a twin. Specifically, the lower level of a bunk bed he shares with LG. I don't long for younger days. I don't want to turn back the clock. But there's something about these milestones that's simultaneously joyous and bittersweet. But also, I like getting rid of stuff. So bye-bye, toddler bed!
March: Happy Birthday to a little guy who is way better at video games at 4 than I was. |
Just look at that face. In so many ways the same as it was a year ago, and yet, time marches ever forward.