Wednesday, April 28, 2010

G is for Geek, and that's good enough for me

I'll be the first to admit it: I'm just not that cool. I used to try pretty hard to be cool, but somewhere along the way I figured out that the fact I was trying so hard sort of guaranteed that I'd never actually be cool. Which is not to say that I'm no longer trying. When you're kind of geeky, you always sort of try to be a little cooler than you are. And you know what? I'm cool with that.

So what if I have a predilection for goofy hats? So what that I'm 30, and I probably have more superhero t-shirts now than when I was 10? So what that I majored in English, and I still think Douglas Adams and Philip K. Dick are better chroniclers of the human condition than Herman Melville and F. Scott Fitzgerald? I'm a geek, and I'm cool with that.

So if I accept that I'm tragically uncool, capable of unwittingly embarrassing myself and others (mostly my wife) with absurdly in-depth knowledge of Star Trek, musicals of the 1960s, and the chemistry of cooking, then I accept this: I'm one step closer to being ready to be dad, and I am so cool with that.

It's my hope that this blog will serve as a record of my attempts to reconcile the big Geek that I am with the little geek I hope to raise. I'll report on significant events, everyday occurrences, and my thoughts, hopes and plans for the little g. I'll try to keep things light and generally on point, but I can't promise that you won't occasionally visit this space and find me discussing the finer points of Doctor Who or ranting about the iron-fisted regulation of cheese in the USA.

Such is the life of this geek. I hope you'll indulge me.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the geek thing, it must be in the genes.
