Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't Forget Your Towel

First and foremost, I hope never to go this long without posting at least a little something to the blog. In tomorrow's post (henceforth known as mega-post) I'll delve a bit into what's been keeping me so busy in the last week and a half.

But today, I wanted to bring to your attention something very special. Today, May 25, is Geek Pride Day. CNN and Wikipedia agree, so it must be real.

I'm celebrating by taking the day off. Not really. I scheduled today off before I realized what day it was. And I'm not exactly taking it easy, but I'll get into that in megapost.

And in what's known in the news trade as burying your lead, I'd like to wish hoopy froods everywhere a very Happy Towel Day! Do yourself a favor and read some Douglas Adams today. You'll be glad you did.

Now there's a frood who really knows where his towel is.

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