Thursday, August 19, 2010

Geeking out on a Thursday

We're exactly five weeks from the due date at this point, and while I don't have a whole lot to say on the subject of impending fatherhood, there are a number of geeky things that caught my eye over the last week that I have to share.

1. Many of you know that I make origami jewelry. In fact, I just sold a bunch at the Academy of Natural Sciences Bug Fest this past weekend. Frankly though, it looks like I need to step up my game. Check this out.
That, my friends, is a dress made from 1,000 paper cranes. I'm going to have a daughter... maybe I should start planning a prom dress now.

2. I often lament the smallness of my house. Lately it seems that all the purchases I've made or shower gifts I've gotten in preparing for the new baby are either baby receptacles (crib, car seat, high chair, etc.) or more storage (a small shed, cabinets, under-bed storage, etc.) It's a good house though, and I like it. But I kind of wish I had one of these small houses in Japan. If nothing else, they're great conversation pieces. It's absolutely amazing what architects have managed to do with such tiny spaces. Check out the Lucky Drops house in the slideshow. It's just crazy.

3. I love science fiction, but I'm not a huge astronomy nerd, which probably doesn't present as wide a dichotomy as I like to think. The solar system is interesting (and Pluto IS a Planet!), and I'm curious about what lies beyond our little section of the Milky Way, but finding Orion and the Big Dipper is pretty much the extent of my actual astronomical knowledge. That said, tomorrow marks Neptune's first trip around the sun since its discovery in 1846. I find that pretty amazing. It puts things in perspective, too. These last eight months or so have seemed like forever to Hollie and I, but for Neptune, it's just been the last eight months of a journey it's been on for 164 years. Well, much longer than that, actually, but let's go with the last eight months of its latest trip. Makes you feel a little small. Which is comforting, in a weird way.

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