Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas FTW!

Christmas isn't quite here yet, but we're already having a great holiday season. I managed to get most of the house lights up the weekend after Thanksgiving, despite regular breaks to defrost and play with my daughter. Hollie got just about all of the interior decorations up at the same time. We tracked down (with some help from my dad) a Bedford Falls Christmas village and set up a nice little tableau.

With all that in mind, we decided that after Hollie got off work on Saturday, we'd risk taking 12-week old Little G to see the Wanamaker Christmas Light Show. There's no way for us to know for sure, but she seems to have a pretty long gaze for an infant, and, no surprise here, she likes flashing lights. As long as we could keep her calm and fed, we assumed she'd be fine at the light show.

And lo and behold, she was!
The show started at 5pm, which is just about when she wakes up from her afternoon nap these days. She woke up a few minutes before it started, and stared at all the people around us for a while. Once the show got going, she shared her attention between the gathered viewers and an area of space in the general direction of the lights, which as far as Hollie and I are concerned is a rousing success.

But the real test was yet to come. On Sunday, we were going to get pictures with Santa.

Things that didn't quite work out:
1. Naptime: We tried to do schedule the visit to Santa right after she had eaten, which is usually happy time. Unfortunately, we neglected to consider the soothing nature of a full belly and a short car ride. She passed out and we had to wake her up to get her on Santa's lap.

Things that worked out in our favor:
1. Line Timing: We walked right up to Santa with no one in front of us. About a minute after we chose our portrait package, there were three or four families behind us.
2. Great outfit: Hollie's sister bought us the little elf costume, which looked fantastic against the red suit.
3. Nice Santa: We didn't actually take that long to get the picture taken, but Jolly Old Saint Nick was a good sport during the three attempts to calm Little G down enough to get a non-crying picture.

All in all, we were really thrilled.

Oh right. I suppose you'd like to see the picture.
And now the bragging... Man my kid is cute!

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