Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tweetle Beetle Puddle Paddle Battle (Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess)

I'm getting this in about three hours under the wire, at least on the East Coast, but I wanted to take this time to commemorate what would be the 107th birthday of Theodor Suess Geisel.

I loved to read growing up, in no small part because my dad spent a lot of time reading to me. We read a lot of things, but I fondly remember Bartholomew and the Oobleck, The Lorax, and The Sneetches.

Hollie and I read to LG before every nap, before bedtime, and even during times not designed to make her sleepy. Hollie alluded to her love of Dr. Suess and Sandra Boynton in her earlier post, and although Boynton has her place, for my money, you just can't beat Dr. Suess. I'm hoping that all the reading we do now is setting her up to enjoy it as she gets older.

LG won't sit still for the long books just yet, like The Lorax, but the short stories and early readers are just fine. My personal favorite at the moment is Fox in Socks. I love those tongue twisters. I find that the faster you read them, the easier it gets. Or at least the better it sounds. Either way, LG seems to enjoy it.
She also likes Mr. Brown Can Moo! She reads it in her bouncy seat.

She reads it when she's got pink feet.

She reads it when she's laying down.

She reads it when she's... ah crap. This is harder than it looks, and I'm out of pictures.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess! You were way better at this than I am!

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