Wednesday, August 28, 2013

G2 Four-month Status Update and Sleep Deprivation

As G2 closes in on his 5-month birthday (tomorrow), it's maybe a good idea to post about his 4-month checkup. In defense of my belated post (and man, do I have a lot of excuses), I don't think Hollie and I have gotten less sleep at any point in our lives than we've gotten in the last four weeks.

What started as a typical 4-month sleep regression--waking up two or three times per night instead of one--has morphed into a waking nightmare of getting up every 10 to 30 minutes all night long .

It. Is. Not. Fun. At. All.

As awful as it is, I don't feel quite as stressed out about it as when similar things happened with LG. Because if we learned nothing else from her early days, it's that nothing lasts. This too shall pass. But if this could pass a little more quickly, I'd really appreciate it. This morning, I mentioned to Hollie that the lack of sleep has led to a general feeling that my brain is swollen, taking up more space in my head than normal. I think I've given her a complex.

Anyway. Doctor visits!

G2's weight is straight-down-the-middle normal. He clocked in at 15.11 lbs three weeks ago, good for 47th percentile.

His length, on the other hand, is a bit crazy. He's 27 inches long, or 95th percentile.

What's sort of amazing is that, by percentile, that's almost exactly where LG was at four months: 50th and 95th, weight and length.

What's even more amazing, to me at least, is the difference between those percentiles for girls and boys.   At four months, LG was 13.44 lbs and 25.5 inches long. In fact, at six months, she still wasn't 27 inches, and only outweighed G2's 4-month weight by about 3 oz. That's a lot of numbers, but suffice to say it's no coincidence that my mom lifted G2 this weekend, and was amazed by how much baby is in that baby.

I'll just repeat my common refrain: Kryptonian DNA.

And this, of course, is the finest in Kryptonian formalwear
Though it still doesn't explain the crappy sleep patterns. Come on, buddy. Any less sleep, and my brain is going to show through my skull.

And I have a hard enough time finding hats that fit as it is.

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