Thursday, March 27, 2014

G2's Favorite Things (Part 2)

LG has a favorite movie, dessert, color (or litany of colors at the moment), sandwich, book, toy, shirt, fruit, stuffed animal, song, cookie, cup, etc. These favorites may change minute to minute, but she can tell you what she likes and why in detail. Sometimes her explanations make sense and oftentimes they don't, but there is always an answer. Each answer as to "Why do you like that?" is a trip down a rabbit hole that is always entertaining.

We've already looked at some of G2's current favorites. For the most part, the reasoning behind each favorite was pretty obvious. Lions=awesome and who doesn't like blinking lights and swings?  As he gets older, I'm excited to see the kinds of things that will be important to G2, and more interestingly, I am very much looking forward to his explanations of why he likes one thing over another. In the meantime, we make our best guesses as to why he likes what he likes.  The one basis for liking something that we can pretty much count on?  "It's hella dangerous and could possible injure himself and/or compromise the safety and wellbeing of others" is the most obvious reason for most of the things he currently likes. But let's take a quick look at some (mostly) not dangerous things. Why does he like these things?  I guess we'll never know, but that will not stop us from speculating.
  • Pointing- The real fun is when he points at you and you point right back. Every meal is seriously like The Creation of Adam. 
They call them fingers, but I've never seen them fing.
  • Sleeping in the Mei Tie baby carrier- Bonus- he is very heavy.  Wait, that's not a bonus.   
I get to sleep, and you get a sore back.  It's win-win.
  • Whisks- Babies and kitchen utensils are a match made in heaven.
Help a baby out. Dip this in icing?
  • Books- He's just getting to the age where he can sit still for multiple books with multiple pages. We're going deeper into the kiddie lit wilderness- send a search party in a few years.   
Delicious, delicious literature
  • His Ikea tent- Man, those swedes know what american babies want. 
  • His sister- This one we really don't have to speculate about. He loves her so much because she really is an amazing big sister. She sings him to sleep at night ("Tomorrow" from Annie), shares her toys (most of the time) and gives him great hugs and kisses. If only we could get her to stop poking his cheeks so much, they'd be perfect together. Who are we kidding? Those cheeks are begging to be poked.  
Bring it, big sis. 
  • Sitting atop the washing machine- I started plopping him up here to save my back from carrying him around. He likes the dials and the fact that he can see out the window. I like to imagine how startling it is to the people walking their dogs to see a disembodied baby head peeking out of the curtains.
So tell me what this thing is for again?
Nah, save your breath, I'm not going to do laundry. 
  • Being freshly bathed- I'm not going to post any bathtub shots here (though they do exist), but honestly bathtime with G2 is like Baywatch. Matt is a less hairy David Hasslehoff trying to keep G2 from slipping under the soapy waves. Post-bath is much less stressful.
I tried to scald myself with hot water, climb out of the too-tall tub on my own,
dunked my face into the water, and ate some soap.
Same time tomorrow?
  • This chipped baseboard under the kitchen cabinets- I dropped an iPod behind the kitchen cabinets a few years back and we thought we could get it back through the baseboards. We were wrong, and the kitchen bears the scars of our ignorance. G2 is drawn to our failure like a moth to a flame.
I need a paper clip and a piece of gum and I can get your ipod back. 
  • His musical farm- This is a hand-me-down from LG. It's a weird toy that lets you make Dr. Moreau-esque animals like a sheep-cow and a duck-pig. G2 mostly likes smacking the buttons so that it only ever plays the first three notes of Old McDonald. Why won't he let the song finish? Why? 
Should we listen to the first 3 notes of "The Farmer in the Dell?"
What about the first three notes of "BINGO?"
Eh, I think I'll turn the whole thing off
and get annoyed that it doesn't play the first three notes of any song. 

  • Mud- Who doesn't like mud? Mud is way fun. 

I have .4 seconds to get this muddy stick into my mouth before Mom catches me.
I'ma risk it. 
  • Messes- I love a good mess. LG loves a good mess. Matt does not love a good mess, but he loves photos of a good mess that is good and cleaned up by the time he gets home. G2 seems to be in the "loves a good mess" camp. The jury's still out as to whether or not he cares if they get cleaned up.
This. Is. Awesome.
When G2 was first born, LG was quick to try to tell us what he wanted. Pretty soon, he'll be able to tell us himself. Until then, his smile is proof enough that life is pretty good for this little dude. 

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