Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby Talk

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I get a lot of my information, parenting and otherwise, from the Internet. It's a dicey proposition, given the extraordinary amount of worthless stuff out there, but as a former business reporter, I like to think that know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. So I've found a few sites about child development and parenting that I regularly review, as questions arise.

A few days ago, for instance, Little G started acting a bit out of sorts. She still slept through the night, but she was extra cranky before bed, before naps, or just out of the blue. Over the last three months, she's developed a few patterns for sleeping and eating, and we've taken some solace in the fact that we can plan our days around those things. But these little fits have been throwing those plans right out the window. Additionally, she really seems to be a happy little girl, so the fact that over the last few days she didn't seem as happy gave us pause.

Our reaction? To the Internet!

Turns out, as babies go through growth spurts (which the Internet tells me happens at approximately 7-10 days, 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, etc...), they sometimes need to sleep more (or less) and eat more (or less). As confusing as that sounds, at three months old, it does provide some comfort in knowing there's a reason she's out of sorts. Granted, there's not much we can do about it, but at least now we know something we didn't before.

But the cool thing about all of this is that many resources tell you to look for marked changes in skills or behavior once the growth spurt is over and the crankiness wears off. Major milestones are sometimes crossed right after a growth spurt. Last night, after a reasonably crank-free day at home, Little G decided that she was ready to chat the night away.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, Little G tell us about her day, with embarrassing (to me) asides from yours truly.

I've watched that no less than eight times today. It's tough being a proud papa.


  1. The entire office just watched this- adorable :)

  2. She is just too cute!!! Grammy, Poppy, cousin Alissa and Aunt Heather all agree. We all enjoyed Amelia's story and glad it had a happy ending.
