Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Fashion Show 2010: Fancy Division

I'm trying to remember how all this started. One day back in October, Hollie and I asked each other, "What will our daughter wear for Christmas?"

Our first thought was this dress, given to us by one of Hollie's childhood friends before Little G was born:

It's cute, it's red, albeit not terribly Christmas-y. And based on Little G's ever-lengthening frame, she wouldn't be able to wear it much (if at all) past the holidays anyway. She wore it to my office Christmas party.

But of course, we realized that having just one dress probably wasn't going to work, since we'd have multiple parties and functions through which to parade our daughter. So we got this cute sweater dress from Old Navy.
You'll note that the tights, socks and bolero are the same for each of those dresses. It's important to have versatile separates, or so I've been told by various and sundry fashion reality shows. We had planned for her to wear this to my parents house on Christmas Eve, but that changed, as you'll soon see. Instead she wore it to a housewarming for some friends.

In any case, the purchase of that cream-colored sweater dress opened the floodgates. All of a sudden, dresses were raining down on us, like manna from heaven, or, you know, rain.

First Hollie's sister surprised us with this little number, which you may recognize from Little G's session with Santa. I really liked the tights.
Hollie had actually planned for her to wear it again at her office Christmas party, but when I ran it through the washer and dryer (my mistake) it shrunk a bit. I will swear, though, that in addition to the dress shrinking slightly, Little G grew an inch between December 5 and 16, rendering my drying mistake slightly worse than it might have been.

So, the morning of Hollie's office party, she went shopping and found this getup, which turned out to be a pretty big hit, both at the party and with Hollie's family late Christmas Day.

The addition of the leggings from the elf outfit really completes the look.

I'm not exactly certain when it happened, but at some point, my mom decided that she was going to buy Little G a Christmas outfit, and so instead of wearing the sweater dress on Christmas Eve, she wore this.
It's like she's Santa's Little Helper, so long as the only thing Santa needs help with is holding down small objects by laying on them. She's sitting rather nicely with my grandma in that photo, illustrating that baby + plush collar = no neck.

Lastly, Hollie's mom bought Little G a dress for Christmas dinner at their house. Admittedly, she wasn't awake for much of it, but she looked fantastic nonetheless.
So there you have it. What was one dress became six. It's like the loaves and fishes, except with infant wear.

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