Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Fashion Show 2010: Casual Division

I did not anticipate the sheer breadth of outfits that would present themselves this past Christmas season. So for this first holiday post (ironically posted after the holiday season is over) here is a selection of casual Christmas outfits.

Here we are decorating Little G's first Christmas tree. All in all, I think she enjoyed the experience.

And in its natural habitat, we see the the Holiday reindeer. Little-known fact: reindeer need to be restrained in a 5-point harness, for their safety and the safety of those around them.

Another little-known fact: most reindeer are actually Christmas donkeys with antlers and fuzzy costumes.
This was Little G's first Christmas present, a few days before the holiday. For those keeping track at home, yes, that is a stuffed Opossum.

And here she is on Christmas morning, enjoying her first pile of presents. Well, maybe "enjoying" is a bit strong. She's intrigued by the paper, at the very least.Stay tuned for another post covering the fancier side of Christmas.

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