Friday, September 16, 2011

A Very Merry Second 1st Birthday

For LG's second 1st birthday, we stayed home. But we did it up right, with decorations, balloons, and a very special cake.
The cake was a collaborative effort between Hollie and me. She came up with the concept, I baked it, and we tag teamed decorating duties.

LG seemed to like it.
Before she got herself caked in cake, she showed off the present-unwrapping skills she mastered the week before. This kid is going to be a pro by the time Christmas rolls around.
Among her presents: her first baby doll, which she bonded with right off the bat.
The best part about the doll, however, was that it lead to my favorite picture of the whole celebration. Hollie calls this picture "Hey, Dad! Go long!"
That's my girl, hamming it up for the camera!

And I close with this, just because it makes me happy.

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