Monday, September 12, 2011

A Year in Review: The Pictures

Little G turns one year old today. Since we're at the beach, and I don't have the wherewithal to compose a proper rumination on the past year, I thought I'd share a year's worth of pictures in one post. For those of you who have seen Hollie or me with a camera sometime in the past year, do not be afraid. I'm not going to post all 5,024 pictures we've kept. (That doesn't include the number we've deleted. Hurray for digital cameras!)

For those of you who weren't freaked out by the above statement, leaving this blog never to return, I now present: Solving for G's First Year in Pictures (with commentary as needed)

Just to keep things honest, each of these photos was taken on or near the 12th of each month. Believe it or not, even with as many pictures as we've taken, we didn't always manage to take one on the 12th.

This is actually day two of LG's life, as I couldn't find any from day one with her eyes open.

Somehow, she got more wrinkly in the first month.
I can honestly say I'm thrilled that with the summer months, we haven't needed socks. These socks were cute, but they never stayed on, especially these blue ones.
Hey everybody! It's Christmas time, and I smile now! Sort of.
Sometime around January, tummy time actually happened with some regularity because she stopped yelling when we put her on her belly. Oddly, it doesn't seem to have impacted her development, since she started walking two weeks before her first birthday.Nobody puts baby in the corner (of the couch). Except we did. All the time.And she's at the six month mark! And she grabs her feet! All the time!Sometime around seven months she started using pacifiers. Until she actually went to sleep.
By month eight, her sense of balance was pretty good. As was her sense of looking like an organ grinder's monkey.
And by month nine, she had at least four teeth. The fifth one might've popped through at this point, too.
In month 10, she attended her first wedding. And she made it all about her. Hey, Uncle Mark and Aunt Jac! Thanks for a sweet party, guys!
In month 11, she had an idea. Flowers on her head are cute.And on the morning of her first birthday, she watched dogs and delivery trucks from a balcony in Ocean City, NJ. It made her pensive, perhaps nostalgic for an earlier time when things were simpler, and she didn't have to worry about standing, or walking, or doing stuff. But she looked back on her first year, and decided it was good.

Bonus vacation boardwalkin' picture!


  1. Happy FIRST Birthday little one... I hope you are enjoying your vacation!

  2. Congrats to you guys for surviving year one!
