Monday, July 12, 2010

10 weeks to go

I will refrain at this juncture from quoting Europe's seminal hit, but it really does feel like I'm counting down in a manner which seems final. 20 weeks to go? Bah, barely halfway there. 12 weeks to go? That's like 3 months. But 10 weeks... hoo boy does that seem close.

I still need to put up cabinets, build a changing table, sort hand-me-down clothes, pack a go-time bag, figure out this whole cloth-diapering thing... yeesh. And that doesn't even factor in the non-baby related things I wanted to get done this summer.

In other, unrelated news, Harvey Pekar died today at age 70. My geekly status requires that I inform you and encourage you to read some American Splendor. Or if comics aren't your thing, rent American Splendor. Either are worth your time.

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