Friday, July 23, 2010

We're Great Planners

When Hollie and I talked about having kids, we always made one assumption (probably many more, but for the purpose of this post, we'll stick with one): Hollie wouldn't be pregnant during the summer. She doesn't like the heat at the best of times, and she couldn't imagine what being pregnant during the summer would be like.

Well she doesn't have to imagine now. Tomorrow's temperature is forecast to be flat out 100 degrees with a 105 degree heat index.

Is this our fault? Should we have planned this for the winter? Well, as it happens, we planned it this way to avoid having Hollie staying home during the summer camp she started last year at museum where she works. And as far as that goes, we couldn't have planned better. Her due date is three weeks after camp ends, so yay for us. And boo to early delivery.

And the thing is, last summer lulled us into a false sense of security. We ran the air conditioner only sporadically last year. The average high temperature in July 2009 was 85 degrees, and it never, ever got hotter than 92 degrees. Seriously, I looked it up. Meanwhile, this July? The average temperature this month so far is 91 degrees, and it's gotten as hot as 103 degrees. Fifteen of the last 22 days have exceeded 90 degrees, and two days broke 100 without counting the heat index. That doesn't even factor in tomorrow's weather!

This is just a rant. I know this. Last year was exceptionally cool. This year is exceptionally hot. Neither is typical for this region. It's the direct comparison of the two that has me most exasperated. Although not half as exasperated as the pregnant lady I spend my evenings with.

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