Monday, October 18, 2010


Life... the First Frontier.
These are the voyages of Little G. Her continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life and new civilizations
To boldly go where no one has gone before.

Picture all that being said aloud by Patrick Stewart. It's quite grand, don't you think? I'm partial to his narration, although I think I prefer the women's chorus singing the musical theme from the original series.

I should point out: this is not her Halloween costume. This is just your average weekend outfit. The real costume will be revealed in due course, and is sufficiently geeky.

In the meantime, here are more pictures!
Boldly yawning where no baby has yawned before!

Boldly navigating sales at Old Navy in her stroller, or as I like to call it, the runabout. (It works if you think of the house as DS9, and the car as The Defiant... ah forget it. This analogy has gone too far.)

She can't take much more of this, Captain!


  1. ROTFL! I loved the DS9 ref - especially since that's my favorite spin off (Note: haters back off! I know most of you Star Trek geeks don't agree with me. I'm not entering into this discussion, OK?).
    When Little G is ready and you guys have something over in PA, she's welcome to hang with us girls while you go play! Just let me know...

  2. "Ooh....I love a woman (baby) in uniform."
