Friday, October 29, 2010

This is Halloween! (Halloween, Halloween!)

I love Halloween. Love it. I can't say that I've gotten dressed up each of my 30 years on this planet, but if I had to guess, I'd say costumes figured in at least 2/3 of my All Hallow's Eves. The first costume I remember is Beast Man from He-man and the Masters of the Universe. You'd have to ask my mom why I chose this costume, because Beast Man was far from my favorite character. Maybe there was a sale? Let me know in the comments, Mom.

Anyway, I think I was 5, and I remember that I put on the costume and burst in on my younger brother while he was getting a bath. This would make him 18 months old, if I'm getting the year correct. The following sequence of events likely happened within the space of 30 seconds:
Matthew: (bursts through bathroom door) Raaawr!
Brett: (in bathtub) Aaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeee!
Mom: Matthew! Get out of the bathroom!
Matthew: But Mom, I just wanted to show him my costume!
Brett: AAAA! Waaaaah!
Mom: Get out!
Matthew: (stomps out the door)

Just so you get the picture, this is what I burst through the door wearing:
It is kind of terrifying. I don't really blame my mom or brother for their reactions.

After that year, I hit the typical costume beats of a boy in the '80s and '90s. Skeleton, grim reaper, pirate, vampire. In high school I painted my face like The Crow at least one year, maybe two. If this hasn't been made clear yet, I should point it out: I was not cool.

I'm still not, so it should come as no surprise that long before Little G was actually born, I was planning her first Halloween costume. Thankfully, Hollie likes costumes at least as much as I do, if not more. (You should see the RiffRaff and Magenta we pulled off in college.) So since Little G was due on September 23, well in advance of Halloween, Hollie and I knew we would have to come up with something awesome. Now, when I say we, I really have to include my mom, since whatever DIY thing we came up with would likely require her sewing skills.

Some ridiculous ideas I had:

1: Chest burster from Alien, which would've required a makeover of her stroller to look like John Hurt, with his chest situated at her seat.
2: Tiny princess Leia, but bounty hunter or Endor version.
3. Baby Naomi Wildman from Star Trek: Voyager.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So what did we end up with? I'll show you.

You got it, right?

I mean, come on, it's obvious.

No? Need some help?

How about now?
Aw man. I love Halloween.

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