Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Business like Snow Business

Given the winter we've been having so far, we were actually able to take Little G out in the snow way back in December. The holidays being what they are, however, meant I didn't really get a chance to share the pictures. Like it or not though, it snowed again this past Wednesday into Thursday, so we got her out in the snow again, this time for a bit more play.

Or what passes for play for a 4 1/2 month old.

We've made a lot of progress on putting on jackets and such. Just a few weeks ago, she cried every time you put a jacket or bunting on her. Now it's just half the time. Baby steps, people.

This go round worked out really well.

Then it was into the snow! Here we are discussing the finer points of snowman construction.
Initially, we decided we didn't need a third snowball. We had something else that was the perfect size.
I know it doesn't necessarily look like it, but she really does enjoy being outside. She spends a lot of time just looking around, at the trees, shrubbery, shed, dog running around like a maniac.
Incidentally, I'm pretty sure the dog has eaten the eyes and nose off the snowman by now.

This is just the first of many snow sculptures I'm sure we'll make in the coming years. I already have a plan in mind for an elaborate snow fort/replica of Jabba's Palace from The Empire Strikes Back. And maybe a Dalek. But not at the same time. That would just be silly.

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