Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here Comes Mama

Hollie (aka Little G's mama) here, filling in for Matt. I thought I would take his prolonged blog silence as my cue to put in my two cents.

In honor of Valentine's day, I thought I would offer up a list of things I love (complete with footnotes):

  • Socks that look like shoes
  • The Mexican Hat Dance 1
  • Sleepy smiles
  • 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
  • The word poop 2
  • Throaty baby giggles
  • Naptime
  • A Christmas Story-level bundling for the cold
  • Unintentionally funny kiddie books 3
  • Toothless grins
  • Singing the wrong words to just about every song I thought I knew the words to
  • Tiny fingers
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Baby Dancing 4
  • Looking at pictures from 5 months ago...and 5 minutes ago
  • Onesies
  • Baby toes
  • Eating whatever I want under the guise of "I need this to make food for the baby."
  • Heart-to-hearts with Little G
  • Teething on Daddy's fingers
  • Faux-hawks 5
  • Having to defend my pizza from little grabby hands
  • Belly raspberries
  • Spit bubbles
  • Sitting up with the aide of the crack in the sofa
  • Nicknames 6
  • Chubby cheeks
  • Soft skin 7
  • Dr. Seuss and Sandra Boynton
  • Beautiful brown eyes
  • Milky satisfied face
  • Tupperware 8
  • Little G
  • ...and Big G.

Happy (early) Valentine's day to my little sweetie and my big sweetie!

1. She has a toy that plays it. Despite its questionable racial insensitivity, it makes me smile every time...
2. Especially when it forms the base of a new word i.e. "It was the Poopocalypse!" This is something I love only until Little G thinks it's funny.
3. Re-read Danny and the Dinosaur. Funny stuff.
4. Baby dancing at this stage basically amounts to wildly waving your arms whilst laying on your back and the ever-popular "kick your feet like a maniac sitting somewhat upright in your bouncy seat."
5. Baby faux-hawks only. Adults, go big or go home.
6. My current favorite: Cheeks Magoo. I also have been known to call her Poops McGee. (See #2) My family's favorite is Bubbles LaRue. That one sounds like she is headlining in a 1920s burlesque show.
7. Especially the little fold at the back of neck. Nuzzling her neck when I rock her to sleep may very well be the moment I miss the most when she's a big kid.
8. One of Little G's favorite toys. She goes all lamprey on them:

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