Thursday, April 28, 2011

Resplendent in Her Easter Finery, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bonnet

If you recall, LG had roughly 4 bajillion different outfits for Christmas. It was her first major holiday, and we may have gone a bit overboard. Maybe.

Easter, it turns out, didn't have quite as much variety. (Not for lack of trying. We went to the Limerick outlets and looked at what felt like 4 bajillion Easter dresses.) But what we lacked in quantity, we made up for in quality, at least as far as pictures were concerned.

So without further ado, and precious little additional commentary, I present Little G's Easter photo shoot.

Much appreciation to my mom for just happening to have a selection of straw hats and ribbon that was an eerily perfect match for LG's dress. (Seriously though, who keeps eight straw hats on hand for emergencies? My mom. That's who.)

The conversation went something like this:
Hollie: We're happy with the dress we bought her, but I really wish we had time to buy an Easter bonnet. It would really complete the outfit.
My Mom: Would one of these do? (Nearly a dozen hats of varying size appear out of the ether and land on the table in front of Hollie.)
Hollie: Umm... yes. This could work.

We didn't have any particular plan for taking posed pictures this weekend, but when we decided to use the freshly mowed lawn behind my parents house, we realized the perfect accessory was this little lamb that Hollie's parents had given LG the day before. Just awesome.

So there you have it. Cutest Easter ever? I might be a little biased, but yeah, I think so.

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