Friday, August 12, 2011

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

So the DC Comics universe has this concept of Order versus Chaos (not super original, but few comics ideas are). Various characters in the comics are embodiments of these two cosmic forces. Nabu, a Lord of Order, gives power to the hero Dr. Fate. Mordru, a Lord of Chaos, is a villain. But it's not always that clear cut. Hawk and Dove, two lesser heroes in DC canon, are given their power by the Lords of Chaos and Order, respectively. Neither Chaos, nor Order, is inherently bad or good, but two must exist in balance with one another.

All of that is just background to my main point. I think my daughter is a miniature Lord of Chaos.

Kids are messy. This isn't news. But I have never seen any child so young so committed to disorder as LG. Most kids will knock down a block tower shortly after you construct it. But she doesn't just knock down the stack. She terminates the tower--with extreme prejudice. It's not just stacks, either. LG has a set of stacking/nesting cups from IKEA. If she's around, these cups will be neither stacked nor nested. She prefers it if the cups are flung to the far corners of the room.

She's been doing that for a while, but her newest pastime is removing all of the objects from a container. She will take LEGOs out of her tub, one brick at a time, until the tub is empty. And then she's done. She doesn't play with them once they're free from their plastic prison. The game is just taking them out. As an experiment, I sat next to her while she took the bricks out, and as she removed bricks, I put them back in. She didn't get upset. She just kept going. We must've sat there for 10 minutes, taking bricks out, putting bricks back.

And it's not just toys either. I walked to the kitchen to get some iced tea yesterday, leaving her to take all the toys out of her toy box. She was uncommonly quiet while I was gone, always a bad sign. When I got back?

That's a bag full of documents that need to be shredded.

A minute or so later?
People were coming over later, so I had to clean up. I moved her to the opposite side of the room, and tried to gather the papers up. I have never seen LG move as fast as she trucked across the living room just then. She DID NOT WANT those papers to go back in the bag.

And lest you think it's just toys and paper, let me show you why I can't fold laundry while she's awake.
This does not bode well for her keeping her room tidy as a teenager.

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