Friday, August 26, 2011

Who's on First?

When's the last time you did something for the first time? I'll give you a minute.

Got something? It's tough to call that sort of thing to mind. I'm having a hard time doing it myself. It was probably some food I'd eaten for the first time. I had ossobucco for the first time a month or two back. But I'm sure there's been something else since then.

There were important firsts back in the day. First day of school, first kiss, first car. And I bet you can remember most of those things. I certainly can. But after you've lived a while, your firsts stop seeming important.

But when you're 11 and a half months old, all the firsts seem significant. There are new firsts practically every day. To be honest, there have been so many firsts for LG, I've probably let a few go past unremarked upon.

But in the spirit of first, her are a few firsts LG has had over the past week.

First Bacon
Two things. No, we didn't give her a piece that big. And no, there's no decent picture of her eating it herself. But she did, and she loved it. Though to be fair, she eats everything. Speaking of which...

First Spaghetti

I'm going to warn you ahead of time. These next few pictures are not for those with weak stomachs. You've heard someone say, "I'm so hungry, I could murder a cheeseburger and fries"? Well, that's what LG looks like she did to this pasta. It's a little gross.
Took a while to get that shot of spaghetti sticking out of her mouth. I'm pretty proud of that.
She was looking fairly pleased with herself as well. And then the bib came off.
I can't remember whether those red chunks are tomato or watermelon. It all got a bit fuzzy by the end. Pasta flying one direction, sauce flying the other. It was chaos.

First Booboo
I'll own up to it. This is my fault. On Monday, I was pushing her in her swing outside (probably higher than I ought to) when out of nowhere, a bird pooped on me. I was so startled that I stopped paying attention to LG for a second or two. Just long enough for the swing to twist slightly and scrape her leg against the tree. Ouch! She didn't cry for very long afterward; she rarely does when she hurts herself. But man did she sleep poorly that night. Up every 2 hours or so. Unpleasant.

First Toybox
We changed the layout of the living room again, and in the process we got LG a toybox for her stuff. As you'd expect, she spends most of her time taking things out of it. But we're working on the concept of putting things away. It's a slow process.

But one day, maybe I'll have a post about the first time she cleaned up her own mess.

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