Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Geeky, the Cute, and the Developmental (not mutually exclusive)

The Geeky

Hollie is on kind of a big Doctor Who kick right now. Although saying that is a bit like saying I've been on a breathing kick lately. Suffice to say, she loves the show. Don't get me wrong, so do I, but it's refreshing to have this one nerdy thing out there that she's slightly more passionate about than I am. (Our daughter might be named after a character on the show. Shhh!) That said, despite what her office cube might look like (covered in Doctor Who paraphernalia), there's actually very little Doctor Who stuff in our house. The odd sonic screwdriver pen, sure, but that's sort of handy.

But we do have this little cell phone fob hanging on the side of the refrigerator.
It's quite small, has never been attached to a cell phone, and to my knowledge, it's never actually worked. But it hangs there looking all TARDIS-y, and it is undeniably attractive baby bait.

You cannot open the fridge with LG in your arms. You cannot walk past the fridge with LG in your arms. Frankly, you can't go anywhere near the fridge if you'd hold LG. Because she will grab it.

Every. Single. Time.

And it should be noted: There are at least three dozen magnets and assorted papers on the fridge to which she pays absolutely no attention.

Hollie has taken to teaching her the basics of the Doctor Who theme when she grabs it. (Sing it if you know it! Oooo-weee-ooooooo!) I've got no hard evidence of LG performing it, but she often does respond with "oooo-oooo-oooo!" But she might just be excited that she's managed to grab the darn thing yet again.

The Cute

Seriously. How has it taken this long to get my daughter in a makeshift cape?

LG has been spending a lot of time in the pool at Hollie's parents' house, but this is the first time I've had the chance to get in there with her. This is one of my favorite faces. She makes it when she's really intrigued by something. In this case, that would be the pool ladder for some reason.

The Developmental
I have no idea what stage of development this is, but it shows that she's learning, which is exciting to me. We had some friends over last weekend, and toward the end of her evening, about an hour before bedtime, she started acting sleepy. And when she gets sleepy, she sometimes makes her way to the nearest pillow and:
But when she first did it, all four of us let out a collective "Awwww....". Which she liked so much, she laid her head down again, and again, and again. Eventually, she started laying down, but looking up, so she could see our reaction.
It's good to know I'm raising a ham. But as least she understands cause and effect.

Apropos of nothing, here is another picture of her looking intrigued by something, in this case a Shellie Mae bear courtesy of Auntie K-K and Unkie Don.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! I love the pillow pictures. I keep showing them off to people
