Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Kid Could Shoot That

I'm not above exploiting my child for fame and fortune, which is why I've decided LG will be a world famous photographer by the time she's 2 years old. I've only got 13 months, so it's time to get cracking.

I handed her the camera yesterday, just to see what kind of natural talent she has.

As I expected, her first attempt yielded a self portrait. Eleven months old, and she's already a narcissist.
Next, she turned the camera away from herself for a piece I call "Hold Still, Daddy"
Note how she's decided that faces aren't necessary for a properly composed shot.

Using that photo as inspiration, she decided on a theme for her first exhibition.

We call these "Left" and "Right." Why yes, armpits are an excellent metaphor for the American political system. Provocative, yet astute.

This might've gone on for a while, but she was momentarily distracted by a neighbor's dog that was off its leash. Unfortunately, no photographic evidence exists of this interlude, because she got so excited she dropped the camera.

When she picked it back up, she decided that a nice landscape might break up the theme a little bit.Note the strategically placed finger in the lower right portion of the lens. There are no accidents here, people.

Turning the camera back on herself, she decided to get raw... personal... in. your. face.
The art practically consumes you. Or rather, this next picture consumes you.
Her hunger for the avant-garde thus sated, we close the exhibition with a piece titled, "What are you looking at?"
My daughter the photographer. It might not be as good as a monkey with a camera, but then, you can always blame the equipment.

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